

18th century Italian vase mounted with a fossil barnacle cluster and sitting on a petrified wood and barnacle base.

This fragment is from a church in Florence. It was found and saved from the historic flooding of the Arno River in 1966. The piece has been naturally distressed from the flood.

The barnacle cluster sits on top of the piece and where the neck of the vase was broken off, it is replaced with barnacles to look as though it evolved together over time.

The story and history of this piece and Interi's collection of Florence fragments, in particular, are very interesting. While many fragments are distressed due to age, these Florence fragments in particular stand apart. They symbolize a history that has been carried through the flood, to the Italian store house, collected by the Interi studio, shown in the museum, and now can be purchased for the modern home or gallery.

Size: 12“ tall x 4“ round